What Conditions Do We Treat?

The Brain Improvement Center uses the combination of cognitive behavior therapy and biofeedback to treat the following problems:

  • Depression
  • Concussions and Other Head Injuries (TBI)
  • Attention Deficit Disorders (ADHD)
  • Sleep Disorders
  • Behavioral Problems
  • Anxiety
  • Bipolar Disorders
  • Learning Disabilities
  • Seizure Disorders
  • Additional issues as well

Client Case Studies:

Example Case 1: Sleep Disorder. A mother had difficulty staying asleep at night. She would go to sleep fine, but then would wake up after only a few hours of sleep.  Most nights she could not go back to sleep.  This client was also extremely anxious.  She tried different sleep medications with little success.

Her brain wave assessment revealed extremely high levels of the ultra- fast brain waves that coincide with both anxiety and interrupted sleep. The client had weekly sessions of brain wave biofeedback and cognitive behavior methods.  She was given a list of activities to do before sleep that would promote better sleep.  After four sessions she had a breakthrough of getting a whole night’s sleep after months of interrupted sleep. She came into her treatment session excited and happy.

After eight sessions her sleep was regular.  Her family also commented that she seemed more relaxed. She was discharged from the Brain Improvement Center and has slept great and been calm for almost two years.

Example Case 2: Attention Deficit Disorder. A self-employed business person had difficulty starting important work tasks for their business.  The client also had trouble completing tasks. The client’s physician diagnosed that our client had Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) and wanted to prescribe one of the psychotropic medicines for ADD. The client said that they had experienced bad side effects from taking such medicine in the past. The physician then referred the client to the Brain Improvement Center.

The brain wave assessment showed extremely high ultra- slow brain waves on the left side of the client’s brain.  When the client was trying to start important work that required thoughtful concentration, their thinking brain waves were dominated by the ultra-slow brain waves. After five sessions of weekly brain wave biofeedback and cognitive behavior activities the client came in excited. The client had started and completed an important project.  The client continued weekly sessions for five more months and their business results thrived.

Example Case 3:  Depression. The spouse of one of our clients noticed their mate was sad, lethargic, and sat on the couch all day for over a year.  During the assessment interview the client mentioned thoughts of committing suicide. The spouse and the client’s physician convinced the client to come to the Brain Improvement Center.

Our brain wave assessment indicated the depressed client’s anxious (fast beta) brain waves were twice as high as their happy (right alpha) brain waves.  After only a few one hour treatment sessions the client’s anxious brain were reduced and more brain wave energy transferred to their happy brain waves.  The client became more optimistic and energetic. He got up off the couch at home. The client did projects around the house and yard that had been neglected for years.  Then he got a job.  The client has continued to be optimistic and energetic after completing their treatment three years ago. (In the Research section of this web-site see the summary of the study of 20 similar severely depressed clients.)

Example Case 4:  Post Concussion Brain Injury. A manager of an organization had to quit his job because he could not focus and think clearly enough to do his assignments.  He sat around at home, disabled, being unable to work. His doctors first tried anti-depressant medications. They did not work for him. The doctors tried other psychotropic medications. They did not help him. In fact, he gradually felt worse.

At the Brain Improvement Center we discovered that he had sustained four minor head injuries in the last three years. Even though none of the head injuries were concussions where he was knocked out, the bumps hurt his brain waves.  His “get up and go” (13-15 hz.) brain waves were totally dominated by both the ultra-fast anxious and the ultra-slow brain waves on both sides of his brain. His ability to make decisions and solve problems was broken.

We used our combination of cognitive behavior therapy and brain wave biofeedback to shift the brain’s energy from the ultra-fast and ultra-slow brain waves to the thinking and positive brain waves.  He got up off the couch and attended a University, completed a degree program and is now doing work he loves.  (In the Research sections of this web-site see the summary of the study of 25 similar Post-Concussion and other head injury clients.)

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